Have you ever rolled over in bed one morning and felt the room spin uncontrollably? Physical Therapists have specialized training in treating people with symptoms of dizziness. Dizziness is a debilitating symptom and can be caused by many different things. One of the most common causes is called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). The deepest part of your ear, the inner ear, is home to a system that tells your head where it is in space. There are crystals, or otoconia, that move in a chamber that respond to movement and gravity which tells the brain where the head is positioned. Dizziness can be caused when these otoconia break loose and move into canals where they shouldn’t be. Depending on how many break free, the dizziness can be an intense spinning for up to 1 minute and then feeling “off” the rest of the day. The dizziness is mostly aggravated by head movement (rolling in bed, bending down to tie shoes, sitting up from laying down). Thankfully, PTs can do a simple maneuver to put the crystals back where they belong. Often the dizziness can be cleared up in 1-3 visits. If you experience dizzy symptoms, come get it checked out! Let’s get you feeling better!
COVID has certainly made the importance of health very clear and we have all seen how quickly things can change with an illness. While COVID is currently front and center in most people's thoughts, it isn't the only thing out there that can change your life. Heart disease, diabetes, strokes and cancer can all be devastating too. Movement offers a defense If you're looking to be more resilient and defend against these things, physical activity can do it. The dangers of being sedentary are well known and documented in the research. Excessive sitting and sedentary time have even been called the new smoking. For many of us, sitting and being inactive is part of our jobs. However, research has shown that getting in enough movement can counteract the negative effects of being sedentary. A large study done in the U.K. found no association between the amount of time people spent sedentary and their chances of illness. But the authors didn't conclude that being sedentary is OK. Instead, they felt their findings were likely "attributable to a protective effect of the high volumes of daily walking." The study was conducted in London, where people tend to spend much more time walking or standing than average. The people in the study had daily walking times that were over double the average amount reported in the U.K. Physical Therapists Are Unequaled Experts in Human Movement While walking was the activity in this particular study, other research has shown that all kinds of movement can help protect your health. If you're looking to get those protective benefits for yourself you could choose to walk, bike, lift weights, dance or garden. If you're not moving as much or as well as you'd like, see your physical therapist. We are the most qualified professionals on the planet to help you move better and allow you to stay healthy and enjoy life. From designing a program to get you started or moving more, to helping you recover from an injury, your PT is the right person to look to for help. |
October 2024